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Lively learning activities for all ages and curriculum areas.




Lively learning activities for all ages and curriculum areas.


PRIMARY MATHS NUMBERS GAMES KS1 MATHS NUMBERS GAMES KS2 MATHS NUMBERS GAMES Files are non-editable in a zipped format. The resource is copyright, all rights reserved. It may not be copied, rewritten, shared or distributed outside your own classroom in any way. The user license is a single-user license only. The resource is free to download, but this does not confer ownership - Terms of Use still apply: please read them carefully. This is a whole-group lively & communicative language learning game, perfect for practising, reinforcing & refreshing how to count from 0 - 31. The game has a multi-skill focus: listening, speaking and reading out loud, with an important bonus focus on social interaction and participation. The aim of the game is to create a number chain as quickly as possible, either with students holding the cards, or by placing them on the floor, a longish table, or other flat surface. The design is four cards per page, allowing for a large font, which is really important for young learners who are starting to familiarize themselves with both numbers and the written word. Laminate the cards if possible, as they are more learner-friendly, and remain in excellent condition for years. Distribute the cards, one or two per student, depending on how many students you have in your group. I often play too - children really do enjoy it when I join in, and they seem to work that little harder on their concentration and reading out loud. Children walk around the room, talking to each other in their best reading out loud voice, sharing the information on their cards, until they have arranged the numbers in the correct order. The game works best played against a timer, regularly over a longer-term series of lessons - can children beat their own time record? Do some high-speed counting warm-up activities, forwards & backwards, to get everyone ready to play! Have a browse in my store for more maths games and activities, including special offer bundles and freebies. THANKS AND HAVE FUN!


PRIMARY MATHS NUMBERS 0-10 Word searches a fabulous way of encouraging learners to engage with the written word, practising and reinforcing language as they complete the grids. This is a free word search, focusing on Numbers 0-10. The search offers a really useful learning opportunity - consolidating not only new numbers, but also working on reading, writing, spelling and literacy skills in general - children often focus on the arithmetic skills involved with numbers, but it’s just as important to work on consolidating the written words too. It’s ideal for both independent learning, as a fun-time filler as well as a targeted practice of the written numbers themselves. Word searches are easily differentiated, with opportunity to increase challenge gradually, and learners have to look very carefully at letters, and how words are constructed to complete the grid. They are able to identify which direction words are located in within the grid by referring to the arrow key. Here, for additional consolidation, they also rewrite each number in the word column. There is an answer grid for the word search, so that learners can check their answers - or use for a little extra help if they need it! For me, answer keys are essential, as they not only provide learners with another opportunity to engage with language, but they also help them develop more independence in their learning. They’re also a great teacher time-saver - a real bonus! The word search is in landscape format, mirroring the common direction of reading and writing in English from left to right, facilitating learner engagement with the activity. The landscape format is also really useful for learners whose first language is written from right to left. There is a single grid per 8.5 x 11 (A4) sheet - I like to ensure that text is accessible to all learners, and at this stage of their learning, it’s absolutely essential that language looks accessible and manageable. Please note this is the math center version of my ESL / EFL Numbers 0-10 Word Search freebie. The file is non-editable in a zipped format. It is copyright, all rights reserved - it may not be shared, distributed outside your own classroom, copied or rewritten in any way - please read the Terms of Use. THANKS AND ENJOY THE WORD SEARCH!